Do you want to appear first in search engines when someone in your neighborhood or city looks for services similar to yours? The local SEO is one of the most important optimization strategies to achieve reach potential leads that are close to our location. It is very important for our business, since we will be able to reach new clients who need or are interested in our products or services.

Thanks to a good position in the organic search results we will significantly improve our visibility Last Database and we will be more likely to attract the attention of potential customers.

What is local SEO?
The local SEO is the optimization strategy used to help people find an internet business near the location from which to conduct the search. All of this is related to the Google My Business listing .

The main difference between SEO and local SEO is that the latter will include some geographic data among the search terms.

Google's purpose is to guarantee the best possible experience for users, so it will always try to guarantee the best results on the web.

The data assures us that almost all searches are local and, taking this into account, we know that it is a great opportunity to leave our mark on the main internet search engines.

Likewise, the data also reflects that the majority of searches come from mobile devices. As a result of the increase in these, Google began to give greater importance to the geographical component that accompanied these searches and provided the search engine with the necessary artificial intelligence to use our location in real time to offer some results or others.

Keys and benefits of local SEO for your business
Internet users increasingly explore cities by observing Google, but, in turn, they also need to discover new places near them. The most common phrases in internet search engines are similar to '' restaurant near me '' or '' hairdresser near ''. Therefore, it is worth creating local SEO in our business.

Any company that has a physical location can benefit from this. And, when we talk about this type of SEO, we are talking about restaurants, cafes, shops, hotels, schools, hospitals and, ultimately, any business that provides its products or services to people.

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Local SEO will not only allow a better search engine positioning for your business, something fundamental since, for Internet users, the results that they see in the first positions after their search in Google are those that have the most credibility. Among its main benefits we also find the stimulation of user action. That a person can consult the reviews, photographs of the premises or contact information will help their decision to hire your services or not.

In addition, local positioning will help you attract new potential customers.

How to do local SEO: resources and tools
There is no magic trick that leads us to achieve the objectives, it is about work and perseverance to have a good positioning. We explain the main steps you must follow to start positioning yourself in Google with local SEO .

Do not forget the keywords
The use of keywords is essential for organic positioning. There are 3 kinds of keywords for our positioning. The first would be the so-called ' Head' or 'Short tail' , which are broad searches where there is usually a high volume of inquiry and high competition (for example, marketing).

The following are called ' Middle Tail', which are somewhat more specific searches, but are still somewhat generic (for example, digital marketing).

Finally, we have the ' Long Tail' keywords that are very specific and direct searches. These have less competition and can be very beneficial for your business (example: digital marketing agency in Madrid).

For the local SEO of our business, it is convenient to use the keywords ' middle' and 'long tail' , since we can attract the attention of our products or services in a more effective way. Of course, don't forget to include your location within your keywords.

SEO On Page
When we talk about organic positioning, SEO On Page is the one that we implement within our own website and, most importantly, that we can control.

This, also called internal SEO, will help us to tell Google what our page is about, thus favoring indexing and crawling tasks and also to improve the user experience.

Quality content, web architecture, keywords, URLs or image optimization, among others, are some of the factors related to On Page SEO.

Google My Business
This platform should be your partner from now on since it is the one that is dedicated to controlling our local positioning.

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It can be used whether or not you have a physical location and, thanks to it, you will show up on Google when people try to find your business or write keywords that have meaning with you.

You must bear in mind that the more information you pr